Sunday, June 24, 2007

Moment of glory...

Have you ever in a drama,speech,sports,peep or glee club or activity?Hmm...may be I can write something now on.A few years ago..I used to be the President of Kelab Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Melayu in Anderson School.I was really enjoy and pleasantness joined this special club.Many activities that we have done.I have build-up this club with committee members.Yes...It was too significantly to us.We have standing strong together by this club to ensure that we are the best club in this school and world,perhaps.he..he..:P
My secretary always busy,so do I.Of course,she have to committed with the job and responsibility.There is no responsibility without sacrifice.We have organise something valuables.We are enjoy to launch “Minggu Kesenian&Kebudayaan Melayu”.It is really interesting.I love this task.We also have “Sayembara puisi”,everybody can join this competition.It is not really important to be a winner for this competition,the most important is..we all enjoy and learning something from this competition.
Hmm...I still remember..”Temasya Dirgahayu Warisanku”.This is my idea..and organiser.I am really proud at that nigth.With malay worrior costume,equip with my lovely keris,Sepuh Makrifat.Somehow...where is she?I am looking for my “srikandi”.err...err..hehehehe:P I will never ever to forget this wonderful nigth.With “pencak silat”,”tarian kebudayaan”,traditional drama,”syair keagungan Melayu”,and history of Malay civilization.It such as moment of glory.There is no words can describe about that nigth.
Theatre is come from Yunani language,that is “theatron” means see or watch or the place that we see or watch something.Have you ever watch a theatre? this club,we have watch theatre.One of the theatre is “Tengku Kudin”,historical physical theatre.Hmm...I really enjoy to watch this theatre.Furthermore...someone is beside me while I am watching.Someone special..”srikandi”,perhaps.hehehehe:P
How I wish to get involve in literature and culture field..Somehow..I have other priority and responsibility..Hmm..interesting experience by joined this club.I am proud to be an Andersonian!


Ryuk said...

elow..enjoy ur semester break...hav fun..

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